Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nom Nom Nom

Hi everyone...

Jasmine is teething. The oral equivalent of Multnomah Falls began a couple of days ago, quickly followed by the urgent need to chaw on anything she could get her hands on. She's still talking a lot and growing at a quick pace. A once balding head is now full of little hairs. There's some strawberry blonde in there amongst some very brilliant, almost white hairs.

A week or so ago Jasmine managed to roll over from her tummy to her back. She's just now managing to roll from back to tummy. When on her tummy, she tries SO HARD to crawl. You can tell the sweet one wants to be mobile. It's amazing to watch her grow up.

Here's a video of Jaz munching down on a toy whilst working on her core strength. Yes, I'm aware of the dangers of leaving an infant unsecured on a couch, which is why I never leave her side ;-)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Packed Friday

Dude... Today is going to be seriously busy. First up this morning is Spencer's Jog-a-thon, followed immediately by playdate/sleepover madness that leads into Mom's birthday party hosted here at the house. Kazow! It should be fun.

I wrapped up my speaker review last night and sent it off. Writing reviews is weird. It fits somewhere between more conventional journalism that focuses on facts and an opinion piece. Where the former tends to lack the personality of the writer, the latter tends to lean heavily on witicisms and personal insight. I haven't been so nervous about something I wrote since the 11th Grade of High School. Funny.

Jasmine keeps yapping away and I just can't keep myself from picking up the camera and shooting off videos. If you're interested, here she is having a "chat" with Mom this morning.

For those readers who will be coming over tonight: See you soon!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Fistfull of Firsts

Hi everyone!

Last night Jasmine had her first real laugh. While getting ready for bed, Spencer extemporaneously broke out in some sort of spastic interpretive dance (he's been know to do that from time to time.) Apparently, Jasmine was SO MOVED by the artistic display of spazzitude that she busted out laughing! Unfortunately, I missed the event but you know I have been working the dance moves trying to replicate whatever it was Spencer did to get her laughing. So far, not much luck.

I have recorded a few videos of Jasmine doing her baby talk thing. I know I'm probably one of the few that finds this SO adoreable but, hey, it's my blog and I'll post lots of videos if I wanna!

Here's one of Jasmine playing in her chair:

Another of Jasmine talking to her mobile:

And here's a random video of some squirrels building a nest out in our back yard. I found this pretty fun to watch. Hope it translates well to video. My apologies in advance for the really, really bad Aussie Wildlife Narrator impression:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Writing gig

So I heard back from Digital Trends and they've decided to have me do a speaker review for them. Sweet!

Ironically, they are having me review a pair of speakers from a company that competes with my former employer. I think this puts me ahead of the game because I'm fairly familiar with them already. They are a fun set of speakers to audition and I'm having a great time gathering data for my review. I'll post the published review as soon as it is up on Digital Trends' site. Werd.

In other news, Jasmine continues to amaze us with her vocal prowess. She's discovered that if she needs something, she doesn't need bust out with the crying. Instead, she starts trying to talk to us. I love it. Anything beats the tears and anguished red face of a baby who doesn't know how to get what they need. Here's a shot of Jaz having a chat with Mom...

Spencer has his Jog-a-thon this week! On Friday, he's going to shoot for 25 laps. To prepare, we have a big breakfast planned with plenty of hydrating liquids leading up to the event. Erika will be volunteering and tallying laps. If you live in the area and can stop by The Madelleine School at 10:30 to cheer them on, please do. The address is 3240 NE 23rd Ave
Portland, OR 97212. We'd love to see you. Also, ff you've already pledged, THANK YOU! If not and you would like to, please give us a call or shoot us an email. Thanks for supporting Spencer and his great school!