Thursday, February 26, 2009

"I myself dabbled in pacifism once... not in 'Nam of course" -Walter Sobchak, The Big Lebowski

Another landmark event! Jasmine started taking a pacifier yesterday, which is a bit of a breakthrough. Previously, she was never interested in a "binky". In fact, she usually acted insulted that we would ever put a piece of faux anatomy in her face. Hey, if there's no food involved, then why should I be interested? Recently, Jasmine has been gnawing at her hand and experimenting with jamming various toys, plastic and otherwise, at her face. She hasn't quite got the hand-eye coordination down just yet, so sometimes those objects hurt when they make contact. Since it seemed obvious that she needed something safe to stick in her mouth, I decided to try a pacifier again. She bit! Literally. Of course, she doesn't know how to hold it or pick it up when it falls out just yet, so I have to be on constant standby to give it back to her lest she start yelling for me.

This experience with pacifiers brings up memories of my parents adding honey to my "kerr" (that's what I called it- wasn't I cute? ;-), which is seriously frowned upon these days. Did they just not have Bochelism back then or did the threat not seem as severe? No... they knew well of Bochelism. I know this for certain because I can recall a certain CHiPs episode where Ponch and John had to save Southern California from a baby food Bochelism threat. At the end, Ponch ended up holding the baby and then she spit up on him. Everyone thought it was hilarious then they did the staggered freeze frame ending that was so popular in the '70s (and awesome!) Would you beleive there is an entire DVD dedicated to those endings? Man I miss that show. Is it on DVD yet? LOL. Here's a quick video of The Sweet Pretty doing her thing.

And here's another sweet video. Not as pretty, though.

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